SO, I was one of those crazy after thanksgiving super early bird shoppers. My nephew, Josh and I, left around midnight to go to Nampa to Best Buy. We got there at 12:35 and we were still like 50 people back from the door. We practically froze to death, but it was worth it because he was able to get a laptop cheap and some DVD's he wanted and this Dance Dance Revolution Supernova game. He bought 2 of them because they were only 14.99 (Regularly 59.99) I also bought this game, Guitar Hero Aerosmith, and a present for my husband!! We have fun with it..and now I'm wishing I would have bought 2 of them because it is cheaper to buy 2 for 14.99 each than to buy just the dance pad alone...darn it...OH WELL...we still have fun taking turns!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
SO, I was one of those crazy after thanksgiving super early bird shoppers. My nephew, Josh and I, left around midnight to go to Nampa to Best Buy. We got there at 12:35 and we were still like 50 people back from the door. We practically froze to death, but it was worth it because he was able to get a laptop cheap and some DVD's he wanted and this Dance Dance Revolution Supernova game. He bought 2 of them because they were only 14.99 (Regularly 59.99) I also bought this game, Guitar Hero Aerosmith, and a present for my husband!! We have fun with it..and now I'm wishing I would have bought 2 of them because it is cheaper to buy 2 for 14.99 each than to buy just the dance pad alone...darn it...OH WELL...we still have fun taking turns!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Ward Christmas Party
Our ward Christmas party was a few weeks ago, but I'm slow at posting!! We had a breakfast and other activities. It was fun and the girls really enjoyed themselves. Sarah told Santa she wanted a Fur Real chipmunk and Sabrina told Santa she wanted baby bubbles. Everytime we go to a party and they come home with loot bags, they usually have a little bottle of bubbles. Sabrina was let down when the loot bag from Santa didn't have baby bubbles so that is what she asked for!! Silly kid!!! We'll see if Santa comes through for her the 2nd time around!! :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Great Day!!
Happy Birthday LaNae
So today is my little sisters birthday!! Not only is she my little sister, she is the youngest child in the family. Today she turned the big in honor of her 25th birthday, I am going to say 25 things I love about my sister!! Here it goes...
- She is the best SISTER anyone could ever want...even though growing up it didn't seem that way...when we were little kids.
- She is the best MOTHER to her 2 sweet girls, JaRae and ShaeLynn.
- She is a super WIFE...just ask her husband..
- She bakes some of the best goodies in the entire world!
- She keeps a beautiful house.
- She loves to make learning kits for her kids
- She has a bachelors degree!!
- She had a 4.0 in HS..only kid in our family!
- She is a good fisher-woman! and duck catcher!
- She has tolerated a great amount of pain in her life time and still continues to...
- She knows how to turn a bad situation into something good.
- She used to match her socks and underwear...
- She used to collect bears..I'm not so sure if she still does
- She is an awesome tennis player
- She likes to travel and see new places
- She is very family oriented
- She is a college football fan...and other sports too...and has gone to several games
- She is a great mentor and someone you can always trust
- She can be very spontaneous..
- She is a great listener and isn't afraid to share her opinion no matter what the situation is.
- She has strong morals and will defend them until she is blue in the face.
- She loves children with disabilities or handicaps
- She would love to have a lot of children of her own and adopt disability children later.
- She has a strong testimony of the Church.
- She loves her Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I Can Be Thankful
In Nursery on Sunday, our lesson was about being thankful - tis the season right?? In older nursery, we made thankful wreaths with leaves, but in the younger nursery, they made these turkey leg hats. How cute is that??? haha. Sabrina loves that hat and gets angry if people even touch it..or just look at it. I'm sure she'll be sporting that hat on thanksgiving day - all day! We are thankful for many things this season. I asked the girls each what they were thankful for and Sarah said for my little sister, my grandma, all her animals..stuff animals that is. Sabrina said...she's thankful for herself, boys, and toys. Aren't kids great???
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Fun Get-Together
On Tuesday after Sarah's preschool, we had a little get-together with some girls from high school. We went to Janice (Beck) Jensen's house and had lunch. Tara (Schulthies) Rushton was there with her 2 kids and we missed Michelle! I was dumb and forgot my camera, but it was a nice visit and so fun to watch our kids playing together. It is crazy how times flies. Seems like we just graduated yesterday and it was 8 years ago. Cherish the moments today, because they go by so fast.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween 2008!!
So cute and innocent!!
Since last week, I've been battling food poisioning/stomach flu symtoms and allergies/congestion all at the same time and it has been miserable not only for me, but also my kids. My sister in law Trisha has been a life saver for me this past week as she came and watched my kids and also took them to the Trunk or Treat party at the church tonight. I couldn't have gone myself so I was so thankful when she said she would take them. I didn't want them to miss out because I was sick! I got them ready - 1 at a time - slowly - over about an hour time. Sarah was a cat and Sabrina was a pink poodle. Under their costumes they are wearing 3 layers of clothes! Poor kids were so hot while they ate dinner inside the church, but thankful when they went outside that they had on alot of layers to keep them warm! They came home with a plastic pumpkin loaded with candy! They had a great time. We are blessed to live in a great community. Again, a big "thanks" to my sister in law Trisha!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Purdum's Pumpkin Patch!!!
Today for Mrs. Jen's preschool, we went on a field trip to Purdum's Pumpkin Patch. It was sunny, but very windy and cold! Luckily when I was walking out to the car, I decided to grab an extra coat for both girls. They are wearing layers of clothes, but still froze. When we first got there, a little boy named Tyler came running over so excited to see Sarah. The whole time we were there, he wanted to be in all the pictures with Sarah and even started crying because he wasn't sitting by Sarah for the class picture. Finally we had to move him to sit by Sarah so he would stop crying! He is in LOVE with her!! On the hay ride, Sarah had to sit in the middle so Tyler and her friend Marly could sit by her. It was so funny to watch! It was super fun even though we froze. Needless to say, everyone grabbed a pumpkin pretty fast and jumped back on the hay ride. We were the last one back to the hay ride because Sabrina wouldn't get a pumpkin that had dirt on it. She didn't want something that was already "DIRTY"!!!! So it took a while to find one that wasn't dirty and small enough for her to carry. That is the rule there - you can have any pumpkin you want as long as you can carry it to the hay ride! Soon, I will post pictures of the carving process and the end result! Until next time.....
Silly Girls
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hiking part 3...
I forgot the funniest part of the hiking trip!! I don't know how that is possible. Sarah is always thinking ahead. She is a very clean girl and hates to be dirty at all. If she gets a little water on her clothes, she will change them. Dirt...same see where I'm going with this?? If you look closely at her hat, you will notice it goes down a little bit in the back. The reason that is like that is because she has stuff in her hat. She has a pair of sunglasses in case the sun gets in her eyes...and a paper towel in case she gets dirty so she can clean herself. The second picture doesn't show it, but she has her paper towel out and is cleaning her shoes and her feet. How funny is that??? After she was done, she folded it up nicely (let me remind you...she folded it so all the dirty part was folded inside) and she stuck it back in her hat. Although the sun was bright, she never used her glasses. Silly kid!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Let's go hiking....part 2
Let's go hiking....
My princess - Sabrina!!
I love to see the temple!!
Today we went to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple just to take some pictures. On the way there, Sarah was singing "I love to see the temple." It was pretty cute. Then right before we turned into the parking lot, Naldo asked Sarah, "Are you going to be a missionary??" Sarah thought for a little bit and said, "What's a missionary....silence....then said...NO, I am going to get married. I am going to marry the guy I like someday." It was pretty funny. Naldo was pretty shocked to hear her answer and we both looked at each other and started laughing so hard!!. It was funny.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Naldo is a PROUD American!!!
Naldo and Sabrina before taking the kids to Julliana
Before we left again..Sarah wanted to take pictures!!
The Jeep Patriot I rented and almost wrecked...UTAH DRIVERS...
Today was kind of bitter sweet for my husband, Naldo. He received his citizenship to the United States of America after being here for 5 years! We applied for it in March and he received it today. He says he doesn't quite feel "American" yet as his blood still runs green, blue, yellow and white. I'm sure after it all sinks in that he received it, he will feel differently! It was a great ceremony and not quite what I was expecting. The day started off normal of course. We were on our way to take the kids to Luke's house for his wife to watch them for us. On the way, I was at a left hand turn signal with 2 lanes turning left. I was in the inside lane. In my rented 2008 Jeep Patriot, I start to roll forward a little to check to make sure that traffic had stopped at the red light and all of a sudden I hear squealing tires and a silver PT Cruiser heading straight at me. I punched the gas and turned the patriot hard to not hit the other car that was also making a left hand turn. We BARELY missed each other and the car ended up stopping in the lanes of traffic where I was coming from. (in the lane that goes straight across or turns right.) Needless to say, we were blessed once again as this crazy older woman ran the red light going at least the posted speed limit of 40 mph. So, I make the turn, get composed and my whole body is tingling and completely stiff. I make it just fine to Julliana's house to drop off the girls and take a breather. Then it was off it SLC to the Capital Theater for the oath ceremony. His letter said to be there at 12:30 pm. We arrived at 11:45 and had plenty of time to grab some food quickly and still make it back. It took until 2:00 to get every seated and get the ceremony started. Once we seperated on the street (they made him go to a different line), I never saw Naldo again until the ceremony was over and everyone was forced outside. I was sitting in the balcony and couldn't see Naldo at all. He even got out of his seat and came looking for me, but couldn't find me. He swears I left and snuck back after it was all over with, but I was there. The ceremony went as follows: All canidates were sworn in by the State of Utah Court, flag bearers posted the colors, a lady welcomed everyone, everyone sang the National Anthem and said the Pledge of Alligence, a little choir of children sang 2 songs, a talk was given by a lady with revolutionary war heritage, the canidates took the oath, and people were invited to share their story if they wanted to. A microphone was passed around and people could say what ever they wanted. After, the ceremony concluded, we took a few pictures and were back on the freeway to go pick up our kids and head for Tucanos for some good Brasilian food! After we dropped Naldo off at work for a long night!! It was fun celebrating this special day together and it is one we'll both remember for the rest of our lives, I'm sure!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sarah at her best!!
What can I say except I think I have a future beauty college student on my hands!! I had a little box full of the little hair clips and had it put away so the girls wouldn't get in them. The girls found the box and asked if they could play with them. First it started out with Sarah putting them in her dolls hair and on her stuffed animals. Then I noticed Sabrina "fixing" Sarah's hair pretty. A while later, Sabrina came with her head full of clips. (she pulled them all out before I could get a picture). Then they all went back into Sarah's hair but Sarah did it herself this time. They had fun. Sunday afternoon, Sabrina was asleep and Sarah asked if I would clip her toe nails and clean them really good and paint them. I told her only if she soaked them first because if they aren't soft, it is a war to clip Sarah's nails. So, she got the water and bowl herself and was sitting there waiting for me. She sat there and was a perfect angel although she is still upset I put pink metallic polish on her toes instead of red!! She picked it, then half way through decided that red would have been better. Needless to say, she has metallic pink toes and spicy red finger nails. Very attractive!!! Sabrina woke up and that was the first thing she noticed on Sarah..her shiny she got hers done too. Thank goodness she isn't as picky as Sarah and let me do all her nails the same color!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sarah's 5 years old!!!
she wanted to play with Belle and right before
the party...
Sarah with all her presents in the background
Sarah and her present that
she kept telling everyone that
she wanted!!
I can't believe how time flies!! How can it be possible that I have a 5 year old daughter already?? It has been a fun 5 years watching her grow up and see her personality come to life! I love her a lot.
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