So cute and innocent!!
Since last week, I've been battling food poisioning/stomach flu symtoms and allergies/congestion all at the same time and it has been miserable not only for me, but also my kids. My sister in law Trisha has been a life saver for me this past week as she came and watched my kids and also took them to the Trunk or Treat party at the church tonight. I couldn't have gone myself so I was so thankful when she said she would take them. I didn't want them to miss out because I was sick! I got them ready - 1 at a time - slowly - over about an hour time. Sarah was a cat and Sabrina was a pink poodle. Under their costumes they are wearing 3 layers of clothes! Poor kids were so hot while they ate dinner inside the church, but thankful when they went outside that they had on alot of layers to keep them warm! They came home with a plastic pumpkin loaded with candy! They had a great time. We are blessed to live in a great community. Again, a big "thanks" to my sister in law Trisha!