Monday, May 24, 2010
Pure Drama!
Sarah had 2 permanent teeth grow in behind her 2 baby bottom teeth a few months back. They grew and grew but we could never get Sarah to wiggle the baby teeth. I kept telling her I was going to take her to the dentist to get them out and she didn't care much. One of the baby teeth became quite loose, so Naldo pulled it out while I held Sarah down. The permanent tooth moved in to the space perfectly, but the next tooth over still had the baby tooth and permanent tooth behind...until today! I kept telling her it was very ugly to have shark teeth. She didn't care. After 3 hours of PURE DRAMA...and I mean top notch drama, we finally got it out. First, my mom tried to pull it because I hate everything about pulling teeth. She failed...Then she got Sarah to bit down on a carrot. That loosened the tooth quite a bit. Next the laffy taffy sticks. Sarah wasn't very thrilled about that. The tooth was barely hanging there. You could see the hole already and it already. I told Sarah it was time to go see Aunt dentist Trish! We went to their house and Sarah was quite shy at first and didn't even want to show Trish the tooth. She finally did and Trish was surprised it was still in there by how far she could push it down. I gave up on Sarah and told her I had a lot of things to do and that I was going to go sit in the car and wait. I unlocked the door, opened Sarah's door so she just had to jump in, went around the car and sat in the drivers seat. Next thing I know, Sarah comes running down the sidewalk towards the car with the plastic ziplock bag I gave her. I jumped out of my seat and asked if it was out and she said...Yep! Trish bumped it a little bit...and Sarah pulled it the rest of the way off and put it in the bag! I told Sarah she was full of drama and she said..."well if you would have just sat in the car in the first place and waited for me, it wouldn't have taken so long..." OHHHH man....I couldn't believe she said that! Then she went on to say that she pulled a lot of drama all afternoon trying to get her tooth out and now it feels much better!! I'm so glad. She wasn't going to Brasil with her shark teeth! Naldo would have pulled it out in the airport for sure while we have a layover in Atlanta!! Now instead of teeth pulling, we can play games and color while waiting! good thing!! :) She's only lost 2 teeth so far...I am thinking I will take her to the dentist and have him pull the top 4!! I can't take the drama.......
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
One tough cookie!
Yesterday, I took Sabrina to the doctor for her 4 year shots and a wellness check before we go on vacation. I told her upfront that shots hurt, she probably wouldn't feel well afterwards, etc. to prepare her so it wasn't a shock when it happened. She woke up yesterday and wanted to go right then to get her shots, like it was something very exciting that she got to do! I told her that her appointment wasn't until 3:00 pm and she'd just have to wait. We ended up leaving the house a little early and did some shopping first because she couldn't hold her excitement in any longer! She wanted those shots and she wanted them bad!! We got to the doctors office a little early and they took us right back...that usually never happens, especially when the waiting room was packed full of people. (At TVPC) We went back and they started checking her out. First her blood pressure, then her vision and hearing, then they told me they would have to poke her finger to test her sugar and what not. I told them ok thinking it was the test they did to me all the time when I was pregnant..poke..put it in the slide thing and they were done. NOOOOO, she came with a vile thing, poked her finger..squeezed blood for 3-4 minutes until this vile was full. Sabrina was so brave and didn't even cry. She kept saying that it hurt, but she didn't cry. I sat on the chair filling out the paperwork, trying to ignore what was happening because I hate blood, needles, etc. The nurse put the bandaid on, turned around and I saw the vile of blood. I kid you not...instant cold sweats, stomach churning like I was going to throw up right then and there, etc. She left the room and Sabrina got off the table and I was holding her. I had to push my sleeves up because I was sweating and getting dizzy. Also, I pulled my chair over to the vent that was blowing cold air and leaned over. Sabrina decided she was done and wanted to leave. She said over and over that she wanted to go home. I told her she had to get her shots first and then we would. She wasn't very excited about them anymore. To get her out of the room for a bit, I took her to the bathroom to distract her of what was going to happen in a couple of minutes. We returned to the room and the nurses came right in. I told them I coudn't stay in there and they got someone to hold sabrina and keep her distracted while they gave her the 4 shots. I kept hearing them say that she did so well and next thing I know, the door comes flying open and Sabrina come running out with a look of terror on her face! I picked her up and the first thing out of her mouth was...Mom, I'm brave and I didn't even cry. I asked if it hurt bad and she hurt bad, but I'm brave. The nurses came back with coins for their machine with prizes, stickers, and rings. She was loaded! I told her I'd take her to walmart and let her get a toy afterwards if she felt up to it. Not only did she get a toy, she was convinced she was starving to death and got Subway! She was one happy little camper. She came home and showed everyone her bandaids, ran like a wild child and finally crashed. During the night, I could tell she was in pain as she could barely move her legs. By morning, she was fine, ripped off her bandaids and said she wanted a bath to relax!! She's one tough cookie. I keep telling her I would have cried for sure! She thinks I'm the biggest whimp in the world probably!! Oh well...I am!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Brazil...We are coming soon!!

I can't believe it is May already. We bought our tickets in March and it seemed so far away until our departure date - now it is just around the corner! I'm very excited to surprise everyone there. They know we are coming sometime this year, but don't know the date! Even though I will miss my **cough cough*** 10 year class reunion, I'm excited to be in Brazil during World Cup time. The streets will be painted in green, blue, yellow, and white! Soccer fanatics will sit in front of every tv available cheering on their team. Every goal made means 15-20 bottle rockets will go off within seconds! Very exciting times...very little sleep! We will be gone for 1 full month enjoying family,friends, good food, fishing, and the amazon!
Now we have 3 busy weeks ahead of doctor appointments, Mother tea, field trip, award assemblies, packing, going to Utah, etc. I know they will fly by! I can't wait!!
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