We had just as much fun as the first time, although it was a bit more stressful as we had some bad luck going up the mountain. My husband decided he wanted to go with us at the last minute so he called into work and asked for 2 more days off. I was driving ahead of him and my nephew was behind him. We were coming down this mountain and could tell there was a corner coming up. When the corner came, so did the sun...BLINDING sun practically. I made the corner, but my husband didn't. You can see in the pictures where his tires went off the road and where he landed. Looking at those tire marks, he "should have" nose dived right into the edge of the bank and probably flipped over on the side and possibly the top of the car. Somehow, thanks to someone more superior, it was like someone was standing in the water and threw his car to the edge. He didn't hit any of the signs or trees going in. The one reflecter is bent from getting the car out. (the sign there on the other side of the car says "Lost Creek") Naldo found Lost Creek and not only did he find it, he flew over it!! We laugh about it now, but it could have been more serious. Of course the car was totalled. The whole undercarriage of the car was damaged. The front driver side tire took the impact and broke totally off the axle. The car shifted underneath, broke everything underneath practically. Naldo walked away with no pain, scratches, nothing. Luckily some people camping there were from Utah and gave him a ride home. It was so nice of them. Another part of the story - Naldo wanted one of our kids to ride with him. I insisted they were already in their carseats and it was time to go. Sarah gets carsick and Sabrina doesn't do well without her mom! Needless to say, from the impact of the accident, the backseat broke in half and folded down. If a carseat was there, it would have most likely been behind Naldo so he could see them in his mirror if he had to. When the accident happened, he shoved his body back so he wouldn't hit the steering wheel. If one of the kids was in the back and the seat fell forward, the 2 would have collided resulting in a very bad tragedy. Luckily, it did not happen that way and we were all safe. So, we are now car-less...and I still miss that car... :(
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