Sunday, March 29, 2009
You are such a cutie!!
So, Tonight, we had a fireside for our Stake with Kenneth Cope. (Singer of Greater Than Us All, Woman At the Well, etc.) I wasn't planning on going, then about an hour before it started, I decided I wanted to go. I got the girls ready and my mom decided to tag along and we went. It was at the HS auditorium and when we got there, it was starting to get full. We found some seats but we had to go around to get to them because several men were in the aisle talking. We sat down and Sabrina sat on the edge of the aisle, then me, Sarah, and Mom. All of a sudden this guy turned around, looked at Sabrina and said, "You are such a cutie...are you still cold, you are still all bundled up!!" and then winked at me. I looked up and it was Kenneth Cope!! He was the one blocking the aisle so we couldn't get in and had to walk around! All of a sudden, some girls realized who he was and asked to take pictures with him, which sent several people into picture taking frenzy with their cell phones, then the elders came over with their cameras. All I can say is not only is he a great singer, he is a great speaker as well. I could have stayed there for 2 more hours listening to him talk, tell stories, and sing the night away. It was a perfect way to end a great Sunday. We had Ward Conference and it was wonderful. We had and Area 70 visiting (Elder Walker). It was an amazing Conference and now I can't wait to go to General Conference next weekend in SLC. We have tickets for Sunday morning Session....Can't Wait!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
What A Day!!
So - Today, my brother Keith and his wife Trisha came over nice and early to start cutting down a dead tree in my parents yard that needed to come out years ago! Soon after, my nephew, Josh arrived and the 4 of us were in business.

Soon after the first few branches, we realized it was going to be very hard to not hit the neighbors fence, house, our house, etc. so Keith rented an Genie. It was sooooo great!!
Soon after, we were unable to use it because it can only go so high. We only had 3 major branches left. Two of them I used the truck and pulled them...The last one keith hooked up his Excursion and needless to say, it didn't land exactly where we planned. Oh well, it is over and done with and my parents are just glad to have the tree down no matter what happened.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Fun Week!!
The best cake ever!!
This past Wednesday was my birthday! I had a great week. On my actual birthday, my sister-in-law, Sarah, Sabrina, and I went shopping and spent the day together and in the evening, we had a little party. It was nice! They got me a necklace, some Tinkerbell pj's (earlier that day we were pretending to be characters from Peter Pan and I happened to be they decided I needed tinkerbell pjs.), gum, and a sewing machine box for my new sewing machine. I absolutely LOVED the presents from my girls.
Then today, we spent the day in Boise together. Naldo and I did a little shopping, then we took the girls to Chuck E Cheeses. There were so many people there, it was insane. Afterwards, we went to Tucanos. Only was an hour wait and my party was scheduled for 7:00 with my family. It we would have waited, we wouldn't have made it back in time. Sabrina started crying when we left because she really wanted to eat there. We love that place. We went next door to Bajo Grill, but we didn't find anything there we wanted. We ended up at Goodwood in Meridian. We ate as quickly as we could, but we were still 15 minutes late. Everyone was there waiting on us. I felt bad. It was a nice day and I'm starting to feel my age I'm afraid...27 big whoppers! A big thanks for all the presents and birthday wishes! It has been a great week!
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