The best cake ever!!
This past Wednesday was my birthday! I had a great week. On my actual birthday, my sister-in-law, Sarah, Sabrina, and I went shopping and spent the day together and in the evening, we had a little party. It was nice! They got me a necklace, some Tinkerbell pj's (earlier that day we were pretending to be characters from Peter Pan and I happened to be they decided I needed tinkerbell pjs.), gum, and a sewing machine box for my new sewing machine. I absolutely LOVED the presents from my girls.
Then today, we spent the day in Boise together. Naldo and I did a little shopping, then we took the girls to Chuck E Cheeses. There were so many people there, it was insane. Afterwards, we went to Tucanos. Only was an hour wait and my party was scheduled for 7:00 with my family. It we would have waited, we wouldn't have made it back in time. Sabrina started crying when we left because she really wanted to eat there. We love that place. We went next door to Bajo Grill, but we didn't find anything there we wanted. We ended up at Goodwood in Meridian. We ate as quickly as we could, but we were still 15 minutes late. Everyone was there waiting on us. I felt bad. It was a nice day and I'm starting to feel my age I'm afraid...27 big whoppers! A big thanks for all the presents and birthday wishes! It has been a great week!
I can't believe you are such an old lady!!! I am glad you had a fun deserved it!
Happy Birthday Nancy..
Happy Birthday Nancy, 27 is great!
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