The first day of Kindergarten has finally arrived for Sarah and she could not be a happier little girl! We walk to school everyday since we live so close. The first day, she skipped to school in pure excitement. She met her teacher for the first time on Monday before school since we were not in town for open house night. She absolutely loves Mrs. Forrest. We were very lucky to get her as a teacher and I feel so blessed to have her. She is exactly what Sarah needs right now. After I dropped her off, I was walking down the hall and ran into Pennie Ellsworth. She asked me if it was hard to leave Sarah. I told her not really (trying to be a tough mom and convince myself that it wasn't). Then I saw Colleen Mitchell and she asked if I was ok? I said..sure! Once I got out of the double door at the school, one single tear ran down my cheek and by the time I got to the cross walk, I was boobin'. Shelly Gilman was there waiting to cross and I, I can't believe I'm boobin like this. She said, I'm not, I'm celebrating!! Then she asked if Sarah was in Kindergarten and I said, Yeah...then she's ok for you to cry then! We walked the rest of the way home together to her house and I had only a block left alone. I got home and flopped on the couch in tears again. Sabrina came and gave me a big hug and told me not to cry. We ended up going to Ontario soon after that to get things off my mind. It ended up being a great day. It was fun to hear Sarah talk the whole way home about her first day and her love for school. Another thing that is funny - Sarah is a very picky eater. This whole week, she has eaten everything at school and said she actually kind of likes it. You know how many times I have tried to get her to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...or a taco...or a burrito...or tuna sandwiches...ALOT. She would take one bite, spit it out and run. At school she has eaten everything. (except the tuna..she only ate 1/2 sandwich, but that is still good). Yeah for school!!

Sarah ready to run out the door!!

Sabrina crying that her sister is leaving for school. They are very close and I knew this would be hard on Sabrina. So far, she has been doing well with the transition although it is not easy for her. Everyday around 10:00 she is ready to go pick Sarah up from school. She thinks that 2 hours is plenty of time for Sarah to be at school!

First day finally!!
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