Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fair Time!!

Yesterday, the girls and I went to the Malheur County fair in Ontario. The girls had a great time walking around, looking at animals, eating cotton candy, etc. Sarah saw a kid with a smokey the bear bracelet and wondered where he got it. We went looking and found the smokey the bear booth. The guy was very nice and said, I'll ask you some questions and then I'll give you some goodies because I know you are sooooo smart.

Question #1
Man: Do you play with matches?
Sarah: ....silence......YES
Man: NOOOO, you should never play with matches.

Question #2
Man: What do you do when you find matches laying around?? Do you give them to an adult?
Sarah: ....silence.....NO...I'll keep them.
Man: YES, you should give them to an adult.

Question #3
Man: If you see other kids playing with matches, should you tell and adult?
Man: YES, you should tell your mom or dad because they could start a fire.

About this time, my face was bright red...buring...trying not to laugh and be embarrassed at the same time. He then tells Sarah that she has to promise to never play with fire or matches and to tell a grown up if she sees others doing it. Sarah: OK, I will. By then, I was too afraid to let Sabrina answer the questions. When we got home, we started going through the bag of stuff he gave us. My only thoughts were, I need to educate my kids on fire I guess. Much to my surprise, all the stuff he gave us was in SPANISH...yes you read that right...spanish. Ok, Sarah is dark, but she doesn't speak spanish...PUUUU-LEASE people. So much for educating my kids on smokey the bear!!

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